Plastic surgery videos

Videos by Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez about plastic surgery, our practice and topics related to them.

  • Breast implant ripples and wrinkling: How to reduce the risk

    Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez sitting behind his desk.

    There are two things that really matter when it comes to breat implant wrinkling, or implant ripples: the consistency of the soft tissue cover and the implant material itself. I know that the issue of implants and visible rippling or wrinkling comes up in implant forums and I often hear it mentioned during consults. In this video presentation I show both saline and silicone implants so you can see how the wrinkling can appear directly on the implant itself as it’s held up. While silicone is more gel-like, it is not immune to wrinkling. I also discuss the gummy bear implant, which has a very stiff silicone consistency, which is recommended for patients with breast reconstruction who have very little soft tissue cover in place.

  • Breast augmentation: Implant selection

    Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez sitting in a chair.

    Breast implants can be quite complicated when it comes to choosing the right fit. For my Breast augmentation patients, one of my roles as a plastic surgeon is to help you choose the best breast implant for your body and for what you want to accomplish. There are more choices to make than most patients originally think and the making the right choices are essential to really getting the desired result that you’re after.

  • BMI guidelines for cosmetic surgery

    Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez sitting down in front of a world map.

    BMI, or body mass index, is a surgical risk factor considered for candidates seeking a tummy tuck, a brazilian butt lift, and several other plastic surgery procedures.

    In this video, I talk about BMI and what is required to be cleared for plastic surgery.

  • ASPS Brazilian butt lift safety panel clip

    A group photo of the ASPS safety panel.

    Dr. L. Rodriguez was one of 6 board certified plastic surgeons to serve on the ASPS Brazilian butt lift safety panel at The Meeting in Orlando, Florida in 2017. This video is a clip of one of the comments he made during the 45 minute presentation.

  • About the practice

    Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez sitting in a chair.

    Hi, my name is Ricardo Rodriguez and I am the Medical Director at Today I want to introduce you to our practice.

    Giving you the maximum amount of information is very important to us, as we feel that that will help you make the best possible choice.

    We make it a special point to give you the best possible care that we can.