Can the Brazilian butt lift be combined with a Tummy tuck?

I often hear the question, “Can I have another procedure at the same time as the Brazilian butt lift?”

The answer is yes… and no, depending on the combination of procedures. The Brazilian butt lift already consists out of multiple procedures and while final results are dependent on your surgeon’s experience, skill, and technique, they’re also dependent on the patient following strict post-op guidelines.

In this video I show a few of our patients’ before and after photos as I talk about multiple procedure surgeries and how nicely they can work to achieve an enhanced final result. I also talk more about the Brazilian butt lift process and why there are some procedures I would not recommend combining with the it.

A Tummy tuck, for example, can be safely combined with the Brazilian butt lift to give a great result. However, combining it with a Breast augmentation is usually not advisable. Why? Mainly because the recovery protocol for the Brazilian butt lift is to spend time on your stomach which can negatively impact the Breast augmentation recovery.

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Today I want to talk to you about Brazilian butt lifts and multiple procedures. The Brazilian butt lift, in itself, is a multiple procedure because you have to do Liposuction on different areas. For example, I may have to do Liposuction of the abdomen and the flanks, and the inner thighs to get enough fat to inject into the buttocks. In general, I have to do liposuction of at least three areas to get enough good fat.

Now, on some patients, because their own individual conditions, I might do liposuction for example on the inner thighs or the arms. It really depends on the patient and where they have that fat that’s difficult to get rid of. That’s usually the first target area for me. The area where you gain weight first and where you lose it last is usually the same area, so that’s the area I like to target first.

There are other patients who might have loose skin in the abdomen from a pregnancy or a separated muscle, also from a pregnancy, or for congenital reasons. In those patients, a tummy tuck does great. The main reason it does is it tightens up your waist and makes your waist narrower in relationship to your hips, and that makes a Brazilian butt lift look that much better.

Some physicians will say that doing a tummy tuck is not that safe when doing a Brazilian butt lift, but we use IV sedation, which eliminates a lot of the risks. The other thing that we do is we use the Lockwood technique, which really is a minimal undermining of the abdominal tissues. So we feel very safe and we have a lot of experience doing Tummy tucks together with Brazilian butt lifts.

Another procedure that some people ask me about, and, I would say, I would consider it only in the rarest of cases, is breast surgery in combination with the Brazilian butt lift. The reason for this is that during the recovery period you’re going to be spending a lot of time on your chest. And actually putting pressure on your chest because your on your stomach. If that area has been recently operated on, the breast, I’m afraid you might have problems with healing or displacement of the implants.

There’s another type of procedure that I think is really interesting because it gives you a lot of the advantages of the tummy tuck without the scars – and that is when you have a separation of the abdominal muscle due to pregnancy but you don’t have that much skin excess. Let’s take a look at this patient that you’re seeing here and analyze her case to see what great results can be achieved when you combine a repair of the muscles, or a tummy tuck, with the Brazilian butt lift.

Here’s a three-quarter view where you can appreciate the separation of the muscles on the left side and after repair on the right side. Notice that there is no abdominal scar. From the front you can see the improved relation between the waist and the hips, giving the patient a much better, hourglass figure. The result is just as dramatic when viewed from the back. The posterior three-quarter view is the most flattering to the patient, dramatically showing the curve between the waist and the hips and buttocks.

The combination of tummy tuck and Brazilian butt lift greatly complement each other and the results speak for themselves.

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