Plastic surgery videos

Videos by Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez about plastic surgery, our practice and topics related to them.

  • Why Thin Cannulas Matter in Liposuction

    Dr. Rodriguez speaking about thin cannulas and why they offer superior results to thicker cannulas.

    Dr. Rodriguez explains how using thin cannulas during liposuction enhances precision, minimizes tissue trauma, and contributes to smoother, more natural looking results. Watch to learn why thin cannulas are a game-changer in body sculpting and recovery.

  • Lockwood Technique Tummy Tuck

    Dr. Rodriguez standing in front of a dry erase board illustrating the Lockwood technique for tummy tucks

    The Lockwood technique minimizes tissue trauma and preserves crucial blood supply. Dr. Rodriguez explains and illustrates why this tummy tuck method not only accelerates healing, but also reduces the risk of complications like wound separation and seromas as well as optimized liposuction outcomes.

  • Lip Surface Anatomy with Dr. Rodriguez

    Dr. Rodriguez sitting in front of a monitor that lists lip surface anatomy points

    Empowering Patients to Navigate Lip Lifts with Confidence!

    Explore upper lip lift anatomy to better understand how to communicate with your plastic surgeon the things you might want to change, or that you’re not satisfied with, during your consultation.

  • Lip Lift pre-op markings to 2-weeks post-op

    close up of lip lift patient's lip and nose 1 week post op

    This African American lip lift patient requested the remaining distance between the bottom of the nose and the top of the upper lip to be 8mm, shorter than the average 12 to 15 mm, but it totally works for her. See her progression from surgery day pre-op markings through her 1-week and 2-week post-op visits.

    If you’re considering a lip lift, be sure to check out our procedure information, before and after photos, as well as reviews from patients and articles I’ve written on the subject.

  • Browlift & Liplift Patient Follow Up

    close up of a browlift and liplift patient at her followup appointment

    This patient came to me concerned about her heavy eyelids infringing on her eyelashes. While she was thinking an eyelid lift, she ended up choosing an endoscopic browlift, which sometimes is a better option to rejuvenate and refresh the eye area. Learn more about there here. She’s also had a lip lift to address her upper lip getting “thinner” with age. The results are a very marked change in her appearance and she’s happy with the results!

  • Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Follow Up

    fat graft breast aug after photo

    Fat grafting is a great technique for a natural breast augmentation (using your own fat tissue as opposed to using silicone or saline breast implants). This patient (approximately 5’7″ and 130lbs) is very happy with her results.

  • Dr. Rodriguez’s Covid Vaccination

    Covid Vaccine vials

    NEWS! Dr. Rodriguez has received his first round of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (also known as BNT162b2). He will be getting his second shot 21 days from this injection. Our surgery center OR nurse also received her Covid vaccine and, in addition, our board certified anesthesiologists and all nurses will be vaccinated within the next […]

  • We’re Open (COVID Update)

    covid video thumbnail

    Governor Hogan announced the resumption of elective surgery effective May 7, 2020 – with detailed precautions and a self certification requirement from the Maryland State Department of Health. We are grateful that our entire team has stayed healthy during the quarantine period and we would like to thank all of the front-line workers for their diligence and our entire staff for coming back to work.