How to get the best Upper lip lift results

We get quite a lot of questions regarding lip lifts, so here’s a quick video of me talking about what techniques I consider to be the key for getting the most successful Lip lift.

The goal of the upper lip lift procedure is to raise the upper lip to a more youthful position. As with most plastic surgery procedures, there are many ways of doing the lip lift. I find that the secret to a successful lip lift is really simple: Keep things simple!

This is most easily achieved by performing the sub-nasal, or a type of bull horn technique. This technique shortens the distance between the base of the nose and the top of the upper lip, with no scars on the lip line. Here is my best guidance about this procedure.

Take out only skin, not muscle

My Lip lift technique involves lifting the skin only. I do not involve the muscle because it introduces unnecessary risk and complications. I excise only a small portion of skin which reduces the length of the space between your upper lip and the base of your nose. If you’d like to learn more about why I lift skin only during Lip lifts, I explain in great detail in this blog post.

Use strong points of fixation

This is really the keystone of my Lip lift procedure. The lip is a very mobile structure, therefore you want to anchor it to something solid. For best results, the skin of the upper lip is anchored to the septum cartilage.

Be conservative with skin removal

For the amount of skin excised, be conservative with this procedure. In other words, it’s better for the surgeon to err on the side of ‘not taking quite enough (skin),’ rather than on the side of ‘too much.’ This type of strategy always results in giving you an improved appearance. It is very easy to come back and take a bit extra, but you certainly can’t ever replace the skin that has been taken out.

Wondering if a Lip lift is right for you?

If you feel like your upper lip covers your teeth too much and you'd like your upper lip to look fuller, contact Us to schedule your in-office or virtual consultation. Or just give us a call at 410-494-8100! Note: Virtual consults can also be used to get second opinions.

By Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Cosmeticsurg Baltimore, Maryland Ricardo L. Rodriguez on American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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