Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Recommended by family
Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon, has a reputation built on results and trust. Read what over 500 clients say about their cosmetic surgery procedures in their patient reviews.
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Recommended by family
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Because of his before/after pics; he has done many BBL's
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
I pick him because of his experience as a plastic surgeon
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Use of smaller cannula & no drain bag
This is just a small comment and did not affect my overall experience. The OR nurse seemed to take my latex allergy lightly as though she did not believe me – “well, do you wear underwear – that has latex, bras have latex” – she attacked, she challenged me as though I did not understand what a real latex allergy was.
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
He is the best
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Special in lip lifts
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
My sister s a former patient & recommended him
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Friend recomendation
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Por que habla Espanol ye sun buen doctor
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Reviews, referral
I had a great experience!
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Friend referral/comfortable
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Recommendation from previous surgeon