Pain pumps: Cosmetic surgery with minimal pain

Plastic Surgery doesn’t have to be painful. You can have a pain pump which will greatly reduce pain, reduce nausea, and result in a much quicker recovery. Watch my video blog about why pain pumps are awesome!

Think of the pain pump as having two main parts:

pain pumps result in less pain, less nausea, and faster recovery

Dr. Rodriguez

  • ball with the medication
  • long tubes

The ball holds a local anesthetic and the long thin tubes feed the anesthetic into the operative site. The pain pump is placed into position at the end of your procedure.

The long thin tubes are inserted into the surgical wound space. For example, during a breast augmentation, the tubes are inserted through the armpit and placed next to the implant. The ball stays outside of your body.

As soon as you go into the recovery room, the ball pumps local anesthetic into the operated area which helps to constantly numb the pain. My patients usually wear the pain pump for 4-5 days.

The use of a pain pump following surgery results in less pain, less nausea, and a much faster recovery. I believe so strongly that pain pumps are an important part of the recovery that I offer all pain pumps ‘at cost’ to the patient. We only charge what it costs us to purchase the pump from the manufacturer. I would say that 90% of all of my patients opt for the pain pump for surgeries such as Breast augmentation, Tummy tuck, and Body lift.

If you are having a cosmetic surgery, be sure to get the pain pump. If it is not offered to you by your surgeon as part of your surgery, ask for it! No patient should have to endure pain, when a simple non-narcotic solution is available.

By Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Cosmeticsurg Baltimore, Maryland Ricardo L. Rodriguez on American Society of Plastic Surgeons.